Saturday, May 2, 2020

Developing Management Capabilities Groups and Teams

Question: Discuss about theDeveloping Management Capabilitiesfor Groups and Teams. Answer: Introduction In this article the technique of developing capabilities for monitoring people who are in a team or a group has been highlighted. Various theories concerning the groups and teams have also been outlined in this document; which provides insight into preferences and capabilities, tools such as ESCI, Thomas Kilmann Conflict questionnaire and Johari windows have been utilised to serve this purpose. Weakness and strengths of managing kills are identified by comparing much literature with the results of the diagnostic tests. After that, the development of a realistic plan is carried out basing on the outcome of diagnostic tools and the literature review. The plan is the used to boost the skills and knowledge of persons in the group. Such a scheme is suitable to be applied for six months or even more basing on its suitability in the group (Hinds, 2015, p. 212). Literature Review Groups and teams analysis is done based on the relevant topics selected to be studied. From the analysis of literature groups and teams; they are shown to have different meaning and with various concepts. Therefore, it means that for a person in charge of a group or a team to be successful in team or group management, he or she should have a clear understating of the different features within the group and those within a team. There are however similar properties and processes in both groups and teams in that both aim at achieving uniformity and collaboration of the individuals involved in any particular group or team. Various researches which have been carried out by different scholars show; that there are distinct dissimilarities between a group and a team (Goold Luchs, 2013). These researchers showed through their analysis that teams have the same focus; which is to ensure that they attain or meet the target of the company or organisation goals. On the other hand, however, groups are not necessary to aim to achieve a common purpose or meet some specific objectives. Meaning that an individual in charge of a team and a group or both should be considerate on this properties so that the intended purpose for the formation of a group and a team is attained and not confused for the other. While managing a team, the principal focus should be to encourage all the members subscribed to that team to put together their energy with the aim of achieving a specific goal within their organisation which will ultimately benefit them all. A differentiated approach is required however when it comes to the management of a group since they have distinctive targets and goals to ensure that it is successful (Hinds, 2015, p. 244). The features possessed by both groups and teams and the quality of these features determine the nature of the group or the team concerned and the likeliness of successful activities to be accomplished within them. Efficient management of teams of groups, in that case, will determine the quality of the features existing within a given team or group. Interconnectedness factor, for instance, is one of the most important features within a team as members are required to work together to meet the same target. Groups, however, lack the interconnectivity feature; meaning those managing groups should ensure factors such as these are functional among their team members while those operating groups do not need to pay attention to this feature among the group members. Many organisations nowadays have put more emphasis on the teams existing within them and even encourage the formation of teams in departments. Mostly, teams have been formed because it has been realised that they have a great impa ct on ensuring various targets and goals are met within the companies. It has also been found that they help different institutions to achieve a competitive advantage (Proehl, 2013, p. 76). Managers or those in charge of the various teams withinan agency do not require having some specific skills or capabilities for them to manage the members of their groups successfully. It is because the team leader comes with a preset target on which they have to meet as a group, they sit, discuss the possible limitations and obstacles likely to be encountered and come up with possible solutions or means on which they are going to use for them to succeed in meeting the intended goal. Each person is after that encouraged to use his or her skills to ensure that they succeed in their mission. The managers will only serve to guide and to remind the individuals in the team of their intended goal and thus to focus their energy and skills in ensuring that they are approaching the goal set at the beginning of their mission. Managing groups in their hand is a little bit challenging as the group members do not work with the effort of meeting the same goal. However, each person in a group has a goal in which he or she intended to achieve which usually result in lack of corporation compared with a team (Goold Luchs, 2013). A group leader has a duty of getting to know the focus or goal of each member and thus monitor each by his or her focus through setting various target for them. Managers are therefore required to have abilities to control various duties and task and harmonise them within the groups they are in charge of controlling. In this case, it means that those intending to be managers of groups should be prepared to use more skills in monitoring them compared to those managing teams. High coordination is realized within a team because the members are provided with the same mission on which they all collectively work towards achieving that target. Those who are active or more capable help those who are weak and are not skilled in the task they are performing.In this way, the members of the same team can guide each other even in the absentia of their leader and achieve their set goal quickly (Goold Luchs, 2013). When it comes to groups, relationship with group members depends on the tasks or the focus of the members of that group. If there are individuals who are working in a similar job within the groups, then such persons are likely to relate more compared with those who are operating on different functions within the same group. When each member of the group has different interest, then interactions in the group could be minimal or may even not exist at all. Close relationship and communication in a team is a regular feature in all teams while this could consid er to be informal in groups because it does not exist in all groups and also keeps changing. You may visit a group and see a sense of interactions of the members concerned and come back a few days and find that relationship does not exist anymore. Having an understanding of such aspects is very crucial to the managers as it allows them to manage the teams and groups concerned well (Hinds, 2015, p. 212). The Significance of Groups and Teams According to Models and Theories There is an existing literature which is important when it comes to management and carrying out development pertaining teams and groups. One of these theories is the Tuckman team approach. It is one of the most critical principles when it comes to team management. It gives the four points which a leader in charge of a team can follow to ensure that his or her team is successful in carrying out the tasks they set themselves to achieve. According to Tuckman theory, the stages include the formation of the team, storming, norming and performance of the work (Murray-Webster Hillson, 2012). A leader who is not well conversant with the creation and management of teams can follow this model and will manage the team created quickly. The model present by Tuckman theory can be used to within organisation to ensure that the goals to achieve within the body concerned are successfully carried out. Also, when such an approach is used, it ensures that teams are formed whose members have the positiv e mindset and that good relationship among the members is seen from the point of formation of such a team. Meeting the targets and goals set by team members is such team is usually achieved (Mannix, Neale Overbeck, 2014). Apart from this theory, another practice which can be embraced by group leaders is the mutual aid model. This model encourages correlation of the team members while undertaking the task they have embarked on. The model recognises that different people have different skills and capabilities and thus when such people work together, they boost each other by the areas of their strengths (Hinds, 2015, p. 212). Application of Diagnostic Tools ESCI When it comes to management of employees operating within teams or groups in the organisation, ESCI is a valuable tool. The tool helps in identifying the average leaders and those who have adequate leadership skills. The model can, therefore, be used by directors of the organisation in promoting leaders and selecting those who are capable of being leaders within teams and groups (Chen, 2016). Furthermore, the tool helps in the creation of competitive advantage in the organisation since the leaders chosen to be in charge of various departments is appointed based on merit and their capabilities (Belbin, 2011). When this application is adopted in a firm, a collection of feedback is efficient, and there is arise in awareness among the employees. Emotional intelligence is also measured and monitored easily in the organisation leaders. It also helps in nurturing the young employees to ensure that they become good professionals in their area of specialisation (YU, and LIU, 2014, p. 56). Thomas Kilmann Conflict Questionnaire This is one of the tools that are used widely in managing conflicts that arise among the members of a team or group. The tool helps the managers to ensure that there is no under use or over the utilisation of the models used in identifying and managing conflicts. These models include accommodating, avoiding, compromising, collaborating and competing (Gibson Fisher, 2012). If the managers have a good understanding of this tool, it will help them greatly in ensuring that the conflicts which arise within the team tackled and subdued before it causes harm on the team itself. It also helps the leaders to make as ound decision after listening to those involved in the conflict. This, in turn,assists in proving quality leadership for both groups and teams (Riasi, and Asadzadeh, 2015, p.147). Johari Window It ia tool that is used if you want to understand better relationship within a team or a group which you are a member or a different team. Due to the relation which exists among the team members and which is crucial for the members to achieve their targets, it is necessary that the team managers should understand the applicability of this tool to ensure that a good relationship among the members of the team is natured and maintained (Coghlan, 2013). The tool further explains the kind of relationship as understood by the members of the group. It can be an open arena which means each person understand the task which they are to accomplish. Hidden faade;meaning that not all members of the team know what they are intended to do (Ottlieb, 2013). Blind which means that the subject in the team is not conversant with what is going on in the team, yet there are those who understand what is going on in the team. Finally unknown meaning; no single individual knows what they intended to do in th e team or how to they supposed to relate which other (Williams, 2014).The managers can apply the strategies indicated in the Johari window to help them to manage the groups or teams they are monitoring to make sure that they are operating as required. The persons who are in a team should also be taught about the Johari window to ensure they have an understanding of their capabilities and who they can correlate with their fellow workers to improve their skills (Saxena, P., 2015, p. 213). Eight Months Plan Development Plan For Improving Skills and Knowledge Groups and teams require considerable attention when it comes to major areas on tasks which are delicate or risk to the safety of the employees or to the organisation itself. For a leader to have proper skills in the management of teams and groups in the agency, he or she ought to focus his or attention in areas where it helps him or her as a leader to improve the skills they pose as leaders or acquire new skills and capabilities of handling people in the group (Schwartz, Gimbel, 2014). For a leader to be successful in his or her career, he or she should ensure that he learn to manage small groups and teams are well before allowing himself to be in charge of bigger groups or teams which have entrusted with tasks which are complicated and have limited time. A leader ought to learn to provide quality leadership and learn to relate well with other members of the team. It is necessary as other people in the team will imitate his or her action and will also start correlating well with th eir fellow team members (West Turner, 2012). With the four months policy, a leader will have enough time to mingle with team members and thus develop a good relationship in the workplace. He or she will have to get enough time to learn about the various models and tools which are crucial in providing efficient and proper management for the teams and groups. Such a leader will learn better these models as he or she will be practising the concepts taught in the design with the team he or is leading. Furthermore, such leaders will acquire additional skills in the management of employees (Ezazi Jahromi, 2014, p. 321). From the analysis shown above Thomas Kilmann model appears to be the best model to be utilized when it comes to the management of conflict which arises in the groups or within the organisation. The skills for managing conflict is critical especially within groups and teams as these are the most potential areas where conflicts are likely to be experienced (Neely, 2012). It is, therefore, important for the leaders to undertake the practices which will enable them to apply the model when it comes to conflict resolution. When learning to put into practice models such as this it also necessary to work with small groups so that it does not strain leaders who will only make fatigue and thus fail to learn the application of this skills well. ESCI model is another important model which is to be applied by leaders during the six-month plan as it helps in boosting the performance of the team members (Riasi, and Asadzadeh, 2015, p.147). Conclusion For proper management of people or employees, a significant difference between a group and a team should be known by the group and team managers. There is excellent coordination in a team compared groups because for the case of a team all members work with the same focus on achieving a specific target or goal (Griffin, Phillips, Gully, 2016). Groups, however, do have a different discussion as colleagues of the group may have different interest. It makes the correlation weak compared to a team. Due to these reasons, the leaders ought to have this in mind when handling groups and teams (Prichard Stanton, 2014, p. 22). The three diagnostic models can be applied positively in the organisation as this help to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage in the body, giving it the power to compete well with other enterprises or companies operating with similar products or services (Ezazi, and Jahromi, 2014, p. 321). References Ezazi, M.E. Jahromi, A.T., 2014. Reviewing useful factors on theefficiency of ECSI model to respect customers. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, 4(7), pp.379-387. Hinds, P., 2015. Teams and groups. Wiley Encyclopedia of Management. Proehl, R.A., 2013. Enhancing the effectiveness of cross?functional teams. Team Performance Management: An International Journal. Riasi, A. 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