Thursday, November 21, 2019

Young goodman brown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Young goodman brown - Essay Example Eventually, I was able to understand its implication effectively; where I unveiled, the author had strategically twisted each aspect to bring out puritans’ Christianity hypocrisy (Zhu 60). The account is allegorical, whereby its implication entails humanity’s evil and immense desire to keep God’s precepts that, would enable people attain the promised heavenly rewards affirmed by the scriptures. The account’s protagonist besides being unable to retrace his former Christian path, he cannot deem all the people whom he esteems to be holy still venture in witchcraft (Zhu 60). This is inclusive of his wife Faith whom he had left behind, but to his surprise, she is already ahead of him. The application of diverse symbols in the entire account meant to represent diverse aspects enabled me to unveil its meaning coupled with a night journey in the forest, which represents evil. This is because witchcraft mostly its activities occur during the night, whereby darkness is an effective hiding blanket for the evil doers to conceal their true self (Zhu

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