Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Buyer Behaviour - Analysis of The Ritz Hotel Assignment

Buyer Behaviour - Analysis of The Ritz Hotel - Assignment Example With reference to the Ritz Hotel this paper aims at evaluating how consumer motivation, perceptions, learning and attitude formation could influence purchasing. In order to attract the maximum number of customers, it is important for a business to have the knowledge of how rational consumers will make their decisions on consumptions. Consumers usually have specific desires and preferences that can always be represented by a numerical utility function. In the choices made by consumers, it can always be said that the they intend to solve an optimization problem. The optimization of choice usually has three components, namely: the object of choice, which refer to the specific thing being chosen; the objective function, which refers to the purpose the object is supposed to serve; and the constraints, which basically restrict a consumer’s choice of certain products (Foxall 2004, p. 92). In making choices, consumers are always inhibited by budget constraint. Budget constraint implies that consumers can only consume what they can afford. In relation budget constraint it can be said that the Ritz being a 5-star hotel and having the pricing policies is likely to be unattractive to low income earners. According to the Maslows hierarchy of needs, the choice of a consumer can also be affected by how much the product or service is of importance to their life(Tyagi & Kumar 2004, p. 111) However, Ritz Hotel is likely to be highly favored by user preference. In a situation where a consumer’s choice is not hindered by budget constraint they are likely to choose the services offered by the Ritz Hotel because of the high quality. For example, high minimum bets and entry fee for the casino have not hindered those who can afford it from visiting the casino. The preference will likely be as a result of the completeness and transitivity of the services

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Managing Human Capital Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing Human Capital - Assignment Example The researcher states that merit-pay systems can, in fact, serve to demotivate and even generate anxiety, thereby only contributing marginally as motivators of desired performance. Merit pay is usually rolled into the base salary and hence performance in one year will have the effect on the salary in the future. However, this is based on performance appraisal and the methods of performance appraisal followed by the organization are a controversial issue. Even if linkages to productivity do not exist, the plan communicates a useful message to employees. It is generally believed that individuals should be rewarded based on their contributions and hence merit-based pay serves to fulfill the â€Å"norm of distributive justice†. Thus it diffuses concerns among the employees about fairness and equity. Theories of motivation also support the basis of merit for pay. Managers are encouraged to link important outcomes to desired behaviors. Whether they base their decision on the reinfor cement theory or the expectancy theory, managers need to demonstrate to employees a link between performance and rewards. All these would indicate that basis of merit for pay is necessary as well as beneficial. Researchers express doubts whether performance can be accurately measured and there have been suggestions to make the measurement objective instead of subjective judgments. Moreover, individual performance is linked to others in the organization and this poses difficulties in calculating the individual contribution to the organization. Instead of output measures, behavioral measures can be considered but none is satisfied with such measures. Employees’ acceptance of the feedback systems creates problems as they do not accept the evaluations as accurate. Perceived favoritism is a problem in merit compensation systems due to the subjective nature of the performance evaluation process.