Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Meztisos People of Idigenous and European Blood Essay

The late 15th century marked the beginnings of a period of discovery and expansion for Europeans. During these years of discovery, great forces behind drive for expansion existed. The Spanish and Portugueses main forces included: the lust for the wealth of gold and silver, the acquisition of new lands which brought nobility, and the spread of their Christian based religion. The Spanish and Portuguese conquest of Latin America provides us with insight of these drives in the ultimate search for power. Unfortunately, these motives caused a European-Indigenous syncretism that virtually changed the native peoples way of life. Ultimately, syncretism meant survival for Native Americans in a world where their way of life did not suit the life†¦show more content†¦103) Ambitious conquistadores, along with there kings, could not pass up taking advantage of a society so rich and plentiful. Thus the conquest began, resulting in the death of over 1 million indigenous peoples lives by war or by plague. This conquest then opened the door for massive European immigration and colonization in the Americas, which then resulted in a racial syncretism of European and Native blood. Although European were procreating with native blood, they continually sought out the fairest skinned indigenous woman, for in their culture the whiter the skin, the higher class ranking you appeared to come from. These offspring came to be known as mestizos. Because these people were part meztiso, and were aware of indigenous views, these people would eventually fight for independence from their transatlantic predecessors. This type of syncretism was almost a necessity for the survival of native peoples. Up until this point, thousands of natives were being wiped out by the plagues brought by the Europeans. However, with the appearance of the meztiso, better immune systems were being developed among the indigenous populations, which diminished the indigenous death rate due to disease. Furthermore, this cla ss of people contributed largely to the initial independence movements against

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Perseverance Analysis. Many People Suffer Problemsin The

Perseverance Analysis Many people suffer problems in the world today. This includes terrorism and tyranny. It includes kidnapping and hate crime. It can also be cancer and starvation. Many have lived through problems like these and told the tale because they persevered. Through Hillenbrand’s Unbroken, Wiesel’s Night, and Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, perseverance is emphasized the readers by writing about characters, whether they are survivors of the Holocaust, a prisoner of war, or family, that have to suffer obstacles that can potentially kill them if they don’t overcome it. Even though each author has a different way to show perseverance, they all agree on what perseverance can do. Persevering through unfortunate situations†¦show more content†¦Since Elie was part of the marching out of Auschwitz, he describes â€Å"If one of us stopped for a second, a quick shot eliminated the filthy dog†¦ The idea of dying, of ceasing to be, bega n to fascinate me†¦ My father’s presence was the only thing that stopped me†(Wiesel 85-86). Elie was so tired of running that he was starting to think about welcoming death and not having all the pain that he has anymore. He was able to continue and persevere through the trials of that march was just because his father was alive and it is understood if someone would live just because they’re still with family. He persevered through the cold, the German soldiers, an infection in his foot, and against his weak body. Elie’s writing contained obstacles that Elie overcame. Night teaches readers today that persevering through life-threatening situations can keep them alive and help them survive anything. Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird shows theme by placing people that aren’t racist in a racist society. Jem is a character that illustrates perseverance. Atticus’ choice in defending a black man attracted a lot of attention from the s ociety with Jem and Scout caught with him. Jem had enough when he heard Mrs. Dubose made the insult to his father â€Å"nigger-lover†. When Jem heard that he reacted by trampling her flowers but that forced him to be punished by reading to Mrs. Dubose for about a month. Scout continues â€Å"One afternoon a month later Jem was ploughing his way through Sir Walter

Monday, December 9, 2019

Dynamic Memory Allocation free essay sample

Every Data or Instruction to be processed must be loaded into internal memory before its processing takes place. This process is called Memory allocation. These are of two types: Static and Dynamic Memory Allocation. First let’s talk about Static memory allocation. Here we reserve a certain amount of memory by default inside our program to use for variables, etc and this static memory is allocated during the compilation of the Program. Once we reserve this memory, no other program can use it, even if we are not using it at the time. But many times we are not aware in advance about how much memory we will need to store particular information in a defined variable. The size of required memory may be determined only during the run time , i. e. when the program is being run. Here Dynamic memory comes into play. By using Dynamic memory allocation, the programmer can allocate memory to a program during run time. We will write a custom essay sample on Dynamic Memory Allocation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The program uses its allocated memory only when it is active. In its inactive state, the program will use much less memory, hence allowing other programs to take up the unused memory. You can even de allocate memory so as to free up memory for other programs, but we need to do this manually. In C++, an operator called new is used for Dynamic memory allocation. To allocate a single variable dynamically, we use the following syntax: int *data = new int; // dynamically allocate an integer named data. The new operator returns the address of the variable that has been allocated. This address can be stored in a pointer, and the pointer can then be dereferenced to access the variable. int *data = new int; // dynamically allocate an integer *data = 7; // assign 7 to this integer When we are done with a dynamically allocated variable, we need to explicitly tell C++ to free the memory for reuse. This is operation is done via the scalar (non-array) form of the delete operator: delete data; // deallocate memory assigned to data Note that the delete operator does not delete the pointer — it deletes the memory that the pointer points to. Also, if the programmer does not use the delete operator to deallocate memory, the system will crash as the memory will not be deallocated. This is called Memory Leak. Therefore, Dynamic memory allocation saves memory space by allocating only the necessary amount of space as required by the program at a given time, this increases its efficiency, reduces the runtime and makes the compilation much faster.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Rethinking Leadership In The Learning Organization Essays

Rethinking Leadership In The Learning Organization A proclamation by a CEO that we are going to become a learning organization will likely be met with collective eye rolling and wonderings of, What workshop did he attend last week? Indeed, many employees are so accustomed to these management initiatives-of-the-month that seeing any results from such a managerial decree is extremely unlikely. Another of the main barriers to creating a learning organization, Senge says, is the difference between compliance and commitment. The employees are loath to accept change that starts at the top of the managerial hierarchy. A value is a value only if voluntarily chosen. We cannot force others to learn. Since it is really the individuals that comprise a learning organization, there is no substitute for a personal desire to learn. Decisions made by managers can also have the effect of paradoxically moving an organization backwards. Downsizing can lead to increased competitiveness, which is a hindrance to productivity. Competitiveness can also undermine collaborative efforts and thereby affect a companys economic prosperity. Senge defines three leadership types that he says are essential to building a learning organization: 1. Local line leaders. These are leaders who undertake meaningful experiments to test whether new learning capabilities actually lead to improved business results. 2. Executive leaders. They provide support for line leaders, develop learning infrastructures, and lead by example in the gradual process of evolving the norms and behaviors of a learning culture. 3. Internal networkers. These are individuals who can move freely about the organization to find those who are predisposed to bringing about change, to help out in organizational experiments, and to aid in the diffusion of new learning. None of the issues prevalent in businesses today will be resolved by a hierarchical management system. To bring about change, we must explore new ideas in leadership based on new leadership principles. Senges five disciplines have interested me since the start of this course. Their applications in our educational system could be profound. The largest barrier that todays schools, adult or otherwise, face is the tacit acceptance that what is now cannot be changed. It is this mental model that we must break down before real change can be affected. By recognizing the needs of adults in a learning environment, many, if not all, of the principles of the learning organization can be applied to the hierarchical organization of the administration in our schools. The barriers discussed in this article are no different from the barriers faced by school administrators. People who are not committed to change will not buy into any new idea. Change cannot be mandated. It must come from within the organization. Education